Happy New Year

To Our TSS community and extended family;

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year. As we reflect and look back on 2021, we are excited to approach this new year with hope and ambition.

2021 was a year of new beginnings and merging old traditions with new ideas. The birth of TSS was truly an exciting milestone. We are confident this company will move and grow in the right direction. As a small token of our appreciation, TSS made a generous contribution to City Harvest. City Harvest has helped make food access easier for residents of NYC and their families since 1982. We hope to continue this tradition moving forward by helping others, and we couldn’t do that without your support. Thank you!

2022 is set to be a record year. Our team has been diligently working together on making all your staffing and full time needs easier and more accessible. We look forward to the opportunity to continue to work together this upcoming year.

We wish you, your families and your extended families a prosperous and joyous new year ahead.

As always, if there are any part time, full time or temporary staffing needs you have, we are a phone call or email away.


Happy and Healthy New Year,


Tracy, Karen, Dianka, Svetlana and Brad


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